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Online briefing sessions for Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 organised by Cyberport (22 and 23 May 2023) (English only)


Briefing Introduction:

The objective of the Hong Kong ICT Awards briefing session is to offer guidance and information to the potential participants. Each Award Category briefing session is hosted by the Lead Organiser and covers a variety of topics, such as an overview of the awards, the requirements for eligibility, and the evaluation process. A Q&A session is also included at the end to allow participants to ask any questions and address any uncertainties they may have.

The seven briefing sessions are arranged as follows:

Briefing Sessions Date & Time Award Categories Hosted By
Session 1) Date: 22 May, Monday (2pm-3:30pm)
The Zoom link: https://cyberport-hk.zoom.us/j/99655635495?pwd=SXoxMHRFa3B0TG1NNVowWFhKZkVtdz09
Passcode: 458335
Date: 22 May (Mon) 2:00pm - 2:30pm Smart Living Award Hong Kong Information Technology Federation
Date: 22 May (Mon) 2:30pm - 3:00pm Digital Entertainment Award Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association
Date: 22 May (Mon) 3:00pm - 3:30pm ICT Startup Award Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association
Session 2) Date 23 May, Tuesday (10am-12pm)
The Zoom link: https://cyberport-hk.zoom.us/j/91290314488?pwd=bXN6dWcvTlRadDdlY3FUSldvVi9Ddz09
Passcode: 107027
Date: 23 May (Tue) 10am-10:30am FinTech Award The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
Date: 23 May (Tue) 10:30am-11:00am Smart Mobility Award GS1 Hong Kong
Date: 23 May (Tue) 11:00am-11:30am Smart People Award The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Date: 23 May (Tue) 11:30am-12:00pm Smart Business Award Hong Kong Computer Society