
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023


Speech by
The Hon Michael WONG Wai-lun, GBS, JP
Deputy Financial Secretary of
the Government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 Awards Presentation Ceremony

Speech by The Hon Michael WONG Wai-lun, GBS, JP Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government

Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023
Awards Presentation Ceremony

Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 Awards Presentation Ceremony

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 (PHOTO ALBUM)

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023
Participants Briefing


Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 Participants Briefing

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Digital Entertainment Grand Award -

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Digital Entertainment Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

FinTech Grand Award and
Award of the Year -
krip HK

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories FinTech Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

ICT Startup Grand Award –
Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for
Early Lung Cancer Screening

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories ICT Startup Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Smart Business Grand Award -
Revolutionizing Quality Control and
Assurance in the Construction
Industry Using AI

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Smart Business Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Smart Living Grand Award -
Making the invisible become
touchable: 3D Printing of realistic
anatomical model with tactile reality

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Smart Living Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Smart Mobility Grand Award -
Kaihon1000 Smart Power Station

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Smart Mobility Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Smart People Grand Award -
Protein Biomarkers for Assessing
Alzheimer's Disease

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Smart People Grand Award

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories

Student Innovation Grand Award -

HKICT Awards 2023 Winners Stories Student Innovation Grand Award

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022


Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 (PHOTO ALBUM)

Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022
Awards Presentation Ceremony


Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 Awards Presentation Ceremony

Speech by
The Hon
Michael WONG Wai-lun, GBS, JP
Acting Financial Secretary of
the Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022
Awards Presentation Ceremony  

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 Awards Presentation Ceremony

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022
Participants Briefing


Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 Participants Briefing

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021


Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 (PHOTO ALBUM)

Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards
Awards Presentation Ceremony

Highlight of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 Presentation Ceremony

Speech by
The Hon
Paul CHAN Mo-po,
Financial Secretary of
the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 Awards Presentation Ceremony

Speech at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 Awards Presentation Ceremony