Message from Ir Tony WONG Chi-kwong, JP

Chairman of Steering Committee, Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024 Commissioner for Digital Policy, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all winners of the Hong Kong Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Awards 2024! 

With the full support and joint participation of local ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Hong Kong ICT Awards is an annual signature event organised by the Digital Policy Office (DPO)The Awards aims to recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions from elites and enterprises in the ICT ecosystem, with a view to stimulating innovation and promoting social advancementThis annual signature event not only fosters communication and collaboration of the industry, but also provides a platform for professionals from different fields to share experience, with the aim of generating innovative ideas and technological breakthroughs to further the development of Hong Kongs ICT sector and digital economyIn recent years, many of the Hong Kong ICT Awards winners had excellent performance in international competitions, fully demonstrating the professionalism and innovative capabilities of Hong Kongs ICT industry, as well as making proactive contribution to the development of local innovation and technology (I&T). 

In his 2023 Policy Address, the Chief Executive stated that the Government had to accelerate development of digital economy and spearhead the development of digital governmentOne of the new initiatives is the establishment of DPO by merging the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Efficiency Office, to accelerate the development of digital government and enhance data governance capabilityOfficially established in July 2024, DPO is responsible for promoting datadriven, people-centric and outcome-based digital policies within the Government and across all sectors for enhancing the Government’s efficiency and services, with a view to bringing greater benefits to citizens and business sectors through digital government and smart city developmentHong Kong is accelerating the construction of an international I&T centre in accordance with the National 14th Five-Year Plan.  DPO will actively promote the implementation of digital policies based on innovative technology and data, steering government bureaux/departments in leveraging innovative technology to enhance public services as well as putting in place more digital government measures that will bring convenience to the public and benefit the business sectors to meet the ever-changing needs and public expectations in the digital era. 

Lastly, I would like to extend my special tribute to all members of the Steering Committee, the Grand Judging Panel, the Standards Assurance Sub-Committee, the Marketing and Promotion Sub-Committee, as well as all the Leading Organisers and the judges for the precious time and effort you have contributedThank you for your support and active participation throughout the Hong Kong ICT Awards, making it a resounding success I look forward to continuing to work together with you again in the future to write a better chapter for the development of I&T for our country and Hong Kong.